The music of George Gershwin plus one. Tenor sax

The music of George Gershwin plus one. Tenor sax 20 great songs to play with orchestral accompaniment CD (cop. 2000)/ George Gershwin



Onbekend | 0769282253

Titel The music of George Gershwin plus one. Tenor sax : 20 great songs to play with orchestral accompaniment CD
Auteur George Gershwin
Secundaire auteur Tony Esposito ; Andy Selby
Type materiaal Bladmuziek
Uitgave Miami : Warner Bros., cop. 2000
Overige gegevens 23 p - 1 compactdisc
Annotatie Cd bevat de begeleiding door een combo - Voor tenorsaxofoon - Bevat o.a.: But not for me ; Embraceable you ; Fascinating rhythm ; I got plenty o' nuttin' ; I got rhythm - Graad 2-3
ISBN 0769282253
PPN 204497124
Rubriekscode 789.471 am
Taal Onbekend


The music of George Gershwin plus one

The music of George Gershwin plus one 20 great songs to play with orchestral accompaniment CD ([2000-...])

vol. Tenor sax
George Gershwin