Brandenburg concertos 1-6

Brandenburg concertos 1-6 (2011)/ Johann Sebastian Bach

Does the world need another set of Brandenburgs? Yes, when they are as freshly minted and as adventurously sonorous as this marvellous set from Abbado's young period-style Orchestra Mozart. Nicely described not as conductor but as "concertatore", Abbado leads supple, imaginative readings; a great deal of the strong character is provided by his leader, violinist Giuliano Carmignola, and there is a brilliant harpsichord solo from Ottavio Dantone in the fifth concerto. Only the fourth is rather deliberate and rhythmically stolid; the second with its glorious high trumpet provides a great finale: these are peerless highlights of baroque music. (The Oberserver, maart 2011)




Titel Brandenburg concertos 1-6
Auteur Johann Sebastian Bach
Instelling /Orchestra Mozart
Secundaire auteur Claudio Abbado
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave , 2011
Overige gegevens 2 compact discs
PPN 340853832368255921
Taal Nederlands