The Unicorn, the Gorgon and the Manticore

The Unicorn, the Gorgon and the Manticore (1997)

"In 1956, The Unicorn, the Gorgon and the Manticore, marked an unexpected departure from his earlier naturalistic operas in form, musical style, and subject matter. Menotti described the piece as a "Madrigal Fable," evoking the spirit of late Renaissance madrigal comedies, sets of unaccompanied vocal pieces that together form a dramatic narrative. In addition to a chorus, Menotti expanded the performing forces to include a small instrumental ensemble that provides interludes between the 12 madrigals (and occasionally accompanies them), and 10 dancers who enact the story being told." (Stephen Eddins, Allmusic) Ook op deze CD: een ballet van Virgil Thomson. "Thomson's music for the ballet Parson Weems and the Cherry Tree is typical of his compositional method. The melodies and harmonizations, though dating from the Federal period of American history, get refracted through Thomson's ear into a music that is at once both reminiscent and original and entirely engaging." (Donald Teeters in de liner notes)




Titel The Unicorn, the Gorgon and the Manticore
Auteur Gian Carlo Menotti
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Newport Classics, 1997
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Muziektheater; Theatermuziek; Ballet