Hiller- en Mozart-Variaties, Balletsuite

Hiller- en Mozart-Variaties, Balletsuite (2000)

"Variations on a Theme of Mozart, Reger's best-known work, was written at a time when atonality was nascent. But Reger's sympathies lay resolutely without the avant-garde of his day. While possessed of a strong personality, his musical language is clearly indebted to the music of 100 to 200 years earlier. Indeed, his aesthetic outlook is suggested by a number of works that take the music of Baroque and Classical masters as their point of departure. Perhaps the most distinctive hallmark of Reger's music is the melding of Bachian polyphony with a highly chromatic harmonic language, resulting in works marked sonic richness and elaborate counterpuntal interplay. "In this useful 2CD set Reger's dazzlingly colourful Mozart and Hiller Variations, plus the delightful (and very seductive) Ballet Suite are packed together. While the sound is fairly old, Keilberth's conducting betokens a level of enthusiasm that Reger nearly always inspires in anyone who has the enterprise to tackle his work." (The Independent)




Titel Hiller- en Mozart-Variaties, Balletsuite
Auteur Max Reger
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Teldec, 2000
Overige gegevens 2 discs
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Impressionisme en Laat-Romantiek ; Orkestraal