Klarinetconcert, 3 Symfonieën

Klarinetconcert, 3 Symfonieën (1975)

Heruitgave uit 2007 van legendarische opnamen uit 1975. "It is perhaps strange that Johann Stamitz's much less talented son Karl should feature so much more prominently in record catalogues. Though Johann did not invent the crescendo and exciting contrasts between forte and piano he became famous for it, and they are much in evidence here. Especcially in the two fine Symphonies in D. The Sinfonia Pastorale is remarkable for being based in all four movements on the start of a Czech carol, and quite apart from that it has a fresh vigour that wins you at once. The Clarinet Concerto is of real interest as the earliest known concerto for B flat clarinet. Alan Hacker plays it on an instrument of about 1760. The difficulties of coping with concerto-style music on such an instrument are enormous yet Hacker triumphs over them all. The orchestral playing is also splendidly alive in all four works and as the music has been very well recorded. The disc could hardly be bettered." (Gramophone)




Titel Klarinetconcert, 3 Symfonieën
Auteur Johann Stamitz
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave L'Oiseau Lyre, 1975
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Barok ; Orkestraal