Miserere In bes, Symfonie In Es

Miserere In bes, Symfonie In Es (1997)

"It was ETA Hoffmanns writings which so inspired Schumann and Offenbach. But Hoffmann (1776-1822) was a composer of note himself, graduating via occupied Poland to the German theatre and opera house. In Bamberg, Hoffmann left a durable mark, and in return these capable forces do him more than credit. Both works hold up well, though the youthful, spirited, Classical-style Symphony played inspiredly, if just a little bass-heavy is less fertile in ideas than the forty-minute choral work, where Hoffmanns Mozartian fervour and keen grasp of earlier repertoire bear fruit. The Miserere, planned for a Catholic royal occasion, based on a reduced Psalm 50 and cast in some dozen sections, is an ideal textual vehicle for Hoffmanns intelligent and imaginative word-setting. All the soloists do well; Becks choir sings with genuine feeling, the orchestras ample bowing lends full body and a stately forward momentum. The warm Koch acoustic enhances all." (Roderic Dunnett, BBC Music Magazine)




Titel Miserere In bes, Symfonie In Es
Auteur Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Koch-Schwann, 1997
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Klassiek en Vroeg-Romantiek ; VOCAAL: koor (en soli) met orkestbegeleiding ; psalm