Music in Reims Cathedral and in Notre-Dame in Paris

Music in Reims Cathedral and in Notre-Dame in Paris (1995)

"This record begun life as two separate 10-inch discs first issued in 1961, a time when a recent and grotesque memory was the Perotinus record with the massed voices of the Dessoff Choirs, all doubled at the octave. But ideas were changing and at about the same time members of the New York Pro Musica made a much more 'ascetic' record from the same repertory three solo voices and a vielle, following the evidence that this was music for soloists. With these two extremes on record, Deller predictably steered a middle course: four solo voices all doubled by instrumentsthough on the second record, he commendably included one piece, Dic Christi veritas, with voices alone and improved on the nature of the doubling in the other pieces. Now it seems agreed that the music works best with solo voices. The performances are extremely well controlled and the recorded sound is very good. So even though preferences have changed in the intervening decades this is a record of the first importance." (D.F., Gramophone, 1980)




Titel Music in Reims Cathedral and in Notre-Dame in Paris
Instelling /Deller Consort ; /Collegium Aureum
Secundaire auteur Alfred Deller
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 1995
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Middeleeuwen ; VOCAAL: koor (en soli) met instr. beg. - tot ca. 1750 ; Missen