Symfonie Nr 10 (Petrenko)

Symfonie Nr 10 (Petrenko) (2010)

Gedirigeerd door de voormalige vaste gastdirigent van het Orkest vh Oosten: Vasily Petrenko. Dubbele 10 (voor artistieke en geluidskwaliteit) op ClassicsToday: "This performance goes right to the top. Not since the amazing mono Ancerl recording has there been a version of this work of such intensity, such expressive urgency, and (believe it or not) such incredible orchestral playing. It's impossible to praise the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic enough: they put their London colleagues to shame. The cellos and basses have a dark, tactile presence in pianissimo. The horns play the daylights out of their solos in the first and third movements, while Petrenko has the violins sustaining, articulating, and phrasing the climax of the first movement with a passion and grit that's beyond praise. Indeed, as an essay in Shostakovich conducting alone this deserves a place in every collection. It's all captured in gloriously vivid, present sonics. Thrilling, perfect, essential; a magnificent achievement." (David Hurwitz)




Titel Symfonie Nr 10 (Petrenko)
Auteur Dmitrij S?ostakovic?
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Naxos, 2010
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Modernisme en Neo-Classicisme ; ORKEST: symfonieorkest