Marilyn Horne - A Profile
DVD muziek

Marilyn Horne - A Profile (2008)

Marilyn Horne was THE Rossini singer of the 20th century. Her dedication to the composer led to many productions and revivals of masterworks that had barely been encountered since they were composed 150 years previously. This documentary traces Horne's life from Pennsylvanian childhood to stardom in Italy, at the Metropolitan and worldwide, including rare archive footage of her with family members, teaching and of course singing, most notably in her final appearance in a Rossini opera, at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in 1993 and in duet with her longtime collaborator, Joan Sutherland.




Titel Marilyn Horne - A Profile
Secundaire auteur Marilyn Horne
Type materiaal DVD muziek
Uitgave EMI Classics, 2008
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Documentatie