Ahimsa Orchestra

Ahimsa Orchestra (2005)

"Ahimsa Orchestra, on Vinny Golia's Nine Winds label, consists of two lustrous large-ensemble works written by Eisenstadt and inspired by Mahatma Gandhi: the three-part "Non-Violence" and the four-part "Relief". Both are conducted by Omid Zoufonoun and performed by twelve-piece bands with slight changes in personnel and instrumentation. One of the most prominent textures is Eisenstadt's percussion array, heard in fine detail thanks to an excellent live recording. "Non-Violence", a confluence of bassoon, clarinet, oboe, flute, brass, vibes, bass, and two electric guitars, is at once acoustic and quasi-mechanical, contemplative and crazed, written and improvised, free-jazzy and orchestral. Instruments vie for prominence or fade to background, with inventive solos offset by carefully wrought themes. "Relief" is aesthetically similar, with one less guitar and an additional percussionist (Alex Cline). Vinny Golia launches Part III with an ecstatic bass clarinet sermon." (David Adler, Allmusic)




Titel Ahimsa Orchestra
Auteur Harris Eisenstadt
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Nine Winds, 2005
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Avant Garde; Experimenteel ; Jazz - Free; Avant Garde; Impro