L'esule di Granata (highlights)

L'esule di Granata (highlights) (2005)

"Here are 79 minutes of what likely is a three-hour opera, first produced at La Scala in 1822, staged in Florence four years later, and then not heard again. Opera Rara presents the entire libretto (as well as informative background material). The opera is filled with many great scenas and ensembles. In general the music is top-drawer Meyerbeerian bel canto: all the stops are pulled out, singers seem to be out-embellishing one-another for our benefit, and there's a general sense of grandeur. The performances are excellent. Manuela Custer is a fine mezzo without a break in her smoothly produced voice; her ease with coloratura is impressive. Equally so is bass Mirco Palazzi, who matches her phrase-for phrase and has a hearty, round tone. Soprano Laura Claycomb is bright-toned (up to a solid E-natural) and energetic. Giuliano Carella leads orchestra, chorus, and soloists as if this were a masterpiece, and a good time is had by all. Recommended." (Robert Levine, Classics Today; voor complete tekst: klik op link)




Titel L'esule di Granata (highlights)
Auteur Giacomo Meyerbeer
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Opera Rara, 2005
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Romantiek en Nationalisme ; Opera ; fragmenten opera/operette/musical