The Coming of Christ; Two psalms e.a.w.

The Coming of Christ; Two psalms e.a.w. (2011)

"The Coming of Christ arose from a 1927 commission by the Dean of Canterbury, Dr George Bell. He had in mind a mediaeval 'mystery play' for Canterbury Cathedral. It is a large-scale work using organ, piano, orchestra, choir, childrens choir and solo singers as well as, in this case, narrator. Here the speaking is done by one of England's most celebrated actors, Robert Hardy. He is no stranger to the art or oratory with music. Six of the 13 tracks are dedicated to Hardys acted narration (16+ minutes of the total of 37 minutes for The piece). Hardy distils and magnifies every opportunity to characterise from crustily defined regional accents with a wrinkle in the voice to brutal iron-ruthlessness for King Baltasar the Fierce to noble Shakespearean oration. Music and speech are contained each in their own tracks. They are sung with fine style and joyously splendid glow and blaze in a richly lively acoustic. This is a strong and indispensable entry in the English music revival." (Rob Barnett, Musicweb)




Titel The Coming of Christ; Two psalms e.a.w.
Auteur Gustav Holst
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave EM Records, 2011
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Impressionisme en Laat-Romantiek