A Rainbow In Curved Air

A Rainbow In Curved Air (1969)

"After several graph compositions and early pattern pieces with jazz ensembles in the late '50s and early '60s ("Concert for Two Pianists and Tape Recorders" and "Ear Piece"), Riley invented a whole new music which has since gone under many names (minimal music -- a category often applied to sustained pieces as well -- pattern music, phase music, etc.) which is set forth in its purest form in the famous "In C" (1964). "Rainbow in Curved Air" demonstrates the straightforward pattern technique but also has Riley improvising with the patterns, making gorgeous timbre changes on the synthesizers and organs, and presenting contrasting sections that has become the basic structuring of his works ("Candenza on the Night Plain" and other pieces). Scored for large orchestra with extra percussion and electronics, some of this work's seven movements are: "Star Night," "Blue Lotus," "The Earth Below," and "Island of the Rhumba King."" ("Blue" Gene Tyranny, Allmusic)




Titel A Rainbow In Curved Air
Auteur Terry Riley
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Esoteric Recordings, 1969
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Minimal music ; Hedendaagse muziek ; KAMERMUZIEK - overige instrumentale ensembles