Magico - Carta De Amor

Magico - Carta De Amor (2012)

Fascinating set from three strong and contrasting musical personalities: Norwegian saxophonist, Brazilian guitarist-pianist, and US bassist making purposeful and creative music together on this previously unreleased live recording. Carta de Amor documents music captured at Munichs Amerika Haus in April, 1981. Two years on from the much-loved albums Magico and Folk Songs, the trios improvisational empathy and sensibilities were further honed by experiences as a touring group. Repertoire includes five pieces from Gismontis pen, with the title track heard in two variations, opening and closing this enthralling double album. Also heard here are Garbareks folk song arrangements and an extended, freewheeling version of his composition Spor. Haden brings in La Pasionaria, from the repertoire of the Liberation Music Orchestra and the previously unreleased All That Is Beautiful. Recorded by Manfred Eicher and Martin Wieland in 1981, mixed from original tapes by Eicher & Jan Erik Kongshaug. (bron: ECM)




Titel Magico - Carta De Amor
Secundaire auteur Jan Garbarek ; Egberto Gismonti ; Charlie Haden
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave ECM, 2012
Overige gegevens 2 discs
Taal Nederlands