Great Operatic Recordings (Icon series)

Great Operatic Recordings (Icon series) (2009)

Montserrat Caballé was one of the most stimulating and refined singers in opera, concert and recital in the second half of the 20th century. Born in Barcelona on 12 April 1933, she studied at the Barcelona Liceo and made her concert debut there in 1954. After opera engagements at Basle and Bremen and guest appearances in Milan, Vienna and Lisbon, she became a major international star in 1965 when she substituted for an ailing Marilyn Horne in a concert performance of Donizettis Lucrezia Borgia in New York. Her long and highly successful career has encompassed a wide range of repertoire, including roles in a number of demanding bel canto operas in which she followed Maria Callas, who had brought these works back into public favour. (bron: EMI Classics) Op 12 april 2013 viert de Spaanse sopraan haar 80ste verjaardag. Aanleiding om haar in de schijnwerpers te zetten. Zoals bijv. met deze 4CD-box in EMI Classics' Icon series met opera-fragmenten (en enkele Spaanse liederen), opgenomen in Caballé's toptijd.




Titel Great Operatic Recordings (Icon series)
Auteur Montserrat Caballe
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave EMI Classics, 2009
Overige gegevens 4 discs
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Romantiek en Nationalisme ; Impressionisme en Laat-Romantiek ; Muziektheater/Thatermuziek: opera na ca. 1750 (fragmenten)