Wild dance

Wild dance (2015)/ Enrico Rava & Francesco Diodati & Gabriele Evangelista & Enrico Morello & Gianluca Petrella

"Great trumpeter Enrico Rava sifted through experimental crossovers for years, then devoted a tribute album to Michael Jackson in the company of younger partners. "Wild Dance" is similarly cross-generational, pairing Rava's trumpet with the trombone of Gianluca Petrella, a maestro of voicelike long tones, bebop intricacies and inbuilt swing. Ravas Miles-inspired lyricism and tone control on slow music often takes centre stage in his work, but though the softly meditative "Space Girl" (with its distant intimations of drum uprisings), or the wistful "Sola" and "Overboard" show that side of him, the blurted Ornette Coleman-like flurries of "Infant" or "Happy Shades", the guitar-driven swinger "Cornette", or the soft bop "F. Express", over the excellent Enrico Morellos bustling brushwork, represent effortlessly inventive uptempo jazz playing. The closing "Frogs", with its upwardly scuttling two-horn melody over guitar and bass vamps and its rattling drumwork, is the tour de force." (J. Fordham, The Guardian)




Titel Wild dance
Auteur Enrico Rava
Secundaire auteur Francesco Diodati ; Gabriele Evangelista ; Enrico Morello ; Gianluca Petrella
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave , 2015
Overige gegevens 1 compact disc
PPN 397083149
Taal Nederlands