Departure From The Northern Wasteland

Departure From The Northern Wasteland (1978)

"This first solo album by Agitation Free member Michael Hoenig is a classic of the progressive electronic genre, contains four pieces that are almost perfect in their realization of the sequencer as a compositional tool. Hoenig took the concept of repetitive music further than most anyone in his homeland and claimed his inspiration was drawn from American minimalist composers Philip Glass, Steve Reich, and Terry Riley. The title track is a sublime 20-minute journey through ever-changing melodic and rhythmic phase relationships, creating the vivid sensation of a train ride through misty Northern European landscapes." (Linda Kohanov, Allmusic; 5 uit 5 sterren(!!))




Titel Departure From The Northern Wasteland
Auteur Michael Hoenig
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Celestial Harmonies, 1978
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Synthesizer ; Minimal music