The Awakening Dream

The Awakening Dream A trance-symphony composed by Jurriaan Andriessen (1977)

Jurriaan Andriessen (1925-1996) was a Dutch classical composer. In the late seventies, he recorded three synthesizer albums, the first of which, "The Awakening Dream" (1977), is an outstanding excursion into experimental ambient and minimal music. Andriessen himself, 52 years of age at the time, called it a "a trance symphony". The music-perhaps surprisingly for a contemporary classical composer-is less in the tradition of his peers such as Pierre Boulez or Karlheinz Stockhausen and more in tune with the electronic sounds of the Seventies emanating from Berlin, Duesseldorf or Forst, the likes of Cluster, early Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream, in places echoing Conrad Schnitzler. Andriessen was familiar with the work of these artists, but was probably more influenced by minimalist composers like Philip Glass or synthesizer pioneer Walter Carlos whom he admired. The entire album is played on a Minimoog Model D, a Fender Rhodes piano, a Hohner Clavinet and a Philicorda organ. (bron: Bureau B)




Titel The Awakening Dream : A trance-symphony composed by Jurriaan Andriessen
Auteur Jurriaan Andriessen
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Bureau B, 1977
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Synthesizer