
Silhouettes (2018)

"This is Klaus Schulzes first studio album of new material in five years, after many reissues of his older work. It is both a celebration of him turning seventy and also the artist reflecting on his career while he recovered from an illness that saw him stop live performances for good. Schulzes career has gone through the entire ways electronic music can be modified and tweaked. He has engaged in everything from avant-garde atonal pieces to digital click and hum dance music to the sweeping space epics for which he is probably best known. On this album we see him cast an eye over his past and perform a large amount of the music live. The opening title track begins with some beautiful and haunting synth sounds that hover majestically in the air. Here we see Schulze hint at his early 1970s albums as the vistas painted in the sound are like wide landscapes". (




Titel Silhouettes
Auteur Klaus Schulze
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave SPV Records, 2018
Overige gegevens 1 disc
PPN 41815290X
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Synthesizer