Sonates pour violoncelle et piano (Pidoux; Pennetier)

Sonates pour violoncelle et piano (Pidoux; Pennetier) (1988)

The First Sonata was written in the summer of 1917, during the First World War, and its Allegro first movement could well have also been marked agitato given the urgency of the utterance; then comes a eloquent Andante in G minor and a more sunlit finale in D major, in which the lightening of the mood comes as welcome. The Second Sonata, in G minor, was composed in 1921, and has a lyrical but not very memorable Allegro followed by an Andante commemorating Napoleon that is more restrained than the better known, and much earlier, Elegie in the same key of C minor. The finale is a scherzo in 2/4 time, but still in the minor mode that characterizes the whole work and gives it a certain gravity. (...) (




Titel Sonates pour violoncelle et piano (Pidoux; Pennetier)
Auteur Gabriel Faure?
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave Erato, 1988
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Impressionisme en Laat-Romantiek ; KAMERMUZIEK - strijker(s) + piano