Piano concerto; A London overture; Mai-Dun

Piano concerto; A London overture; Mai-Dun (1994)

"I believe that the clue to understanding and enjoying this work is to see the composer attempting to balance the Brahmsian sound-world of his Royal College of Music days with the more motor-driven mood of the post-war years. As a fifty-year-old man he is endeavouring to write music that would appeal to the nineteen-year old Perkin. The concerto reflects this vitality yet never loses the essential mood of his earlier achievements. The listeners view of the work will depend on how well they feel the composer has achieved this synthesis." (John France, www.musicweb-international.com)




Titel Piano concerto; A London overture; Mai-Dun
Auteur John Ireland
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave EMI, 1994
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Modernisme en Neo-Classicisme ; DIVERSEN - Niet gebonden aan bezetting of genre