Portrait of the artist as a starved dog

Portrait of the artist as a starved dog (2017)/ Rore, Cipriano De

The sixteenth-century madrigalist Cipriano de Rore perhaps remains something of a mystery figure in modern times, awaiting penetrating simplification and clarification. Rather than simplification, a new recording of selections from his expressive output from Björn Schmelzer and Graindelavoix, entitled Portrait of the artits as a starved dog, is more likely to yield illumination and fascination. That is Schmelzer’s way.|




Titel Portrait of the artist as a starved dog
Auteur Cipriano de Rore
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave : Glossa, 2017
Overige gegevens 1 disc
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Renaissance; VOCAAL: koor (en soli) met instr. beg. - tot ca. 1750