Spring Sings

Spring Sings (2024)

"Four years after the success of "Groove Du Jour", named best album of the year in 2019 by the French Academie du Jazz, Yes! Trio is back! Strengthened by their differences, these musicians, who never seemed predisposed to meet — a drummer, scion of the great African-American jazz family; a hippie bassist with Yemenite and Moroccan roots; a bon ton Bostonian with a Harvard degree pianist — united by thirty years of love of swing continue to embrace jazz with the same happiness, faithfulness to everything that makes them unique, from Duke Ellington to Motown to Yemen Blues. This third trio album highlights three musicians in perfect osmosis who breathe together, listen and complement one another, perform with subtlety this art of conversation that is at the heart of jazz. They invent this music, cherish it as much as they play with it. Their music is animated by the vital pulsation of swing, but sometimes breaks free from it to blend with Latin claves or explore odd meters." (All About Jazz; 4 uit 5 sterren)



Nederlands | 5051083200189

Titel Spring Sings
Auteur Yes! Trio ; Ali Jackson ; Aaron Goldberg ; Omer Avital
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave : Jazz & People, 2024
Overige gegevens 1 disc
ISBN 5051083200189
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Neo Bop