Phone Power

Phone Power (2016)

“Always sailing a close line between the dissonant and the melodic such as on opener “Apophenia”, they also manage to churn out a perfect pop song like “To a Forest”. The stomping “Say Nice Things About Detroit” has a beat to it while “Trouble Awful Devil Evil” could be a taken for a protest song against the current state of the United States. “Sold My Mind To The Kremlin” sounds like a cross; while the catchy “I Said Something” with it chorus will certainly be whistled on their daily commute. Attempting everything from a folk song “Impossibly New” to “Bills, Bills, Bills”; the band challenges boundaries and styles. “Go Getting Up So Down” sounds like a track with modern production. “Shape Shifter” is a perfect slice of melodic goodness with as usual a slightly dissonant guitar solo that sets it apart from the rest. An alternate version of “Black Ops”, a song about drones, precedes the country-ish “I Wasn’t Listening” that closes this Dial-A-Song trilogy on an appropriate goofy note.” (Louderthanwar)



Nederlands | 5060397531049

Titel Phone Power
Auteur They Might Be Giants
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave : Lojinx, 2016
Overige gegevens 1 disc
ISBN 5060397531049
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Indie/Alternatief