Oboe concertos

Oboe concertos (2024)

"(...) Hertel’s Oboe Concertos are delightful works, expertly written, giving full vent to the many melodic possibilities of the instrument. All of them show signs of stylistic inspiration from the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, in particular the g-minor concerto No.5, which is a highly attractive and expressive work in Empfindsamer Stil. Played with zest and brilliance by Katarzyna Pilipiuk (oboe) and the Ensemble Il Vento, all playing period instruments and adhering to the Historically Informed Performance Practice." (brilliantclassics.com)



Nederlands | 5028421970974

Titel Oboe concertos
Auteur Johann Wilhelm Hertel
Type materiaal CD
Uitgave : Brilliant Classics, 2024
Overige gegevens 1 disc
ISBN 5028421970974
Taal Nederlands
Onderwerp algemeen Klassiek en Vroeg-Romantiek; ORKEST: barokorkest; Hobo