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The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility and other writings on media

The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility and other writings on media (2008)/ Walter Benjamin, ed. by Michael W. Jennings, Brigid Doherty, Thomas Y. Levin ; transl. [from the German] by Edmund Jephcott ... [et al.]



Engels | 9780674024458

Titel The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility and other writings on media
Auteur Walter Benjamin
Secundaire auteur Michael W. Jennings ; Edmund Jephcott
Type materiaal Boek
Uitgave Cambridge, MA [etc.] : Belknap, 2008
Overige gegevens vi, 426 p - ill - 24 cm
Annotatie Met lit. opg., index
ISBN 9780674024458
PPN 309853885
Rubriekscode 700.6
Taal Engels
Onderwerp algemeen Kunstfilosofie ; Kunstkritiek