Bespreking van 18 titels door redacteuren en medewerkers van De Groene AmsterdammerColumns over achttien literaire boeken uit de negentiende en twintigste eeuw die bijdragen aan een beter begrip van de tegenwoordige tijd.
"This Companion examines the full range and vigor of the American novel. From the American exceptionalism of James Fenimore Cooper to the apocalyptic post-Americanism of Cormac McCarthy, these newly commissioned essays from leading scholars and critics chronicle the major aesthetic innovations that have shaped the American novel over the past two centuries. The essays evaluate the work, life and legacy of influential American novelists including Melville, Twain, James, Wharton, Cather, Faulkner, Ellison, Pynchon and Morrison, while situating them within the context of their literary predecessors and successors. The volume also highlights less familiar, though equally significant writers such as Theodore Dreiser and Djuna Barnes, providing a balanced and wide-ranging survey of use to students, teachers and general readers of American literature"--Bundeling essays over dertig Amerikaanse schrijvers.