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Johann Christian Bach
Virtuosity and grace : Sonatas for viola da gamba (L' Amoroso)

Virtuosity and grace : Sonatas for viola da gamba (L' Amoroso) (2023)

Deze Arcana-uitgave is niet alleen een voortzetting van Guido Balestracci's opname van J.S. Bachs viola da gambasonates die door Le Monde de la Musique werd bekroond met een CHOC, maar is ook een viering van een van de grootste families in de muziekgeschiedenis. Guido Balestracci presenteert hier samen met toetsenist Paolo Corsi een ander deel van zijn langlopende project met het ensemble l'Amoroso: de herwaardering van de viola da gamba en de andere leden van zijn familie, met een speciale focus op het minder bekende postbarokrepertoire. Zijn muziekprogramma's voor gamba van Schaffrath, Haydns Divertimenti voor baryton en een Schubertiade gebaseerd op de arpeggione getuigen hiervan. (outhere-music.com)

Johann Christian Bach

Fagottkonzerte (1997)

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Johann Christian Bach

Trio G-Dur : für 2 Querflöten (oder Flöte u. Violine) und Basso continuo (cop. 1975)

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Johann Christian Bach
3 Quintets - Sextet

3 Quintets - Sextet (1988)

Here is charming and completely diverting music. These melodious chamber works by Johann Christian Bach, known as "The London Bach" overflow with catchy melodies that will put a smile on the face of any music lover. This is not music with a message other than to entertain and the youngest son of Johann Sebastian was an imaginative composer who embraced the new Classical era. He was among the earliest masters to perform solos on the then newfangled pianoforte. Mozart took lessons from J.C. Bach and was much influenced by him. Trevor Pinnock and The English Concert play these beguiling works with a sense of joy and delight.

Johann Christian Bach


Johann Christian Bach
Symfonieën en Concerten

Symfonieën en Concerten (2004)

Uit de ClassicsToday-recensie (zie link): "This program devoted mostly to the works of Johann Christian Bach, J.S. Bach's youngest son by his second wife Anna Magdelena, likely is the most captivating if not bizarrely eccentric recording of his music to date. In fact, given how the Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin thrills here with its deft articulation of dynamics, severe movement contrasts, and generally breathtaking ensemble playing, it's doubtful that the composer himself ever heard these relatively conservative works performed in such a fashionably progressive way." De CD bevat naast twee symfonieën en een clavecimbelconcert van Johann Christian ook een fluitconcert van z'n oudere broer Carl Philipp Emanuel.

Johann Christian Bach
Six symphonies op.18

Six symphonies op.18

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Johann Christian Bach
Symphonies Op. 3 (Halstead)

Symphonies Op. 3 (Halstead) (1995)

Johann Christian Bachs sechs Sinfonien op. 3 gehören mit zu den frühesten Zeugnissen ihrer Gattung. Aus der dreisätzigen italienischen Opernouvertüre hervorgegangen, waren die Begriffe in der Anfangszeit noch fließend. Auch Bach selbst spricht mal von Sinfonien, mal von Ouvertüren. (CPO) "Höchste Zeit, daß dem "Englischen Bach" höhere Anerkennung zuteil wurde. Diese exzellente Platte bringt eine quicklebendige Gruppe von 6 Symphonien in den CD-Katalog, jede mit drei kurzen Sätzen, mit besonders schönes Finales. Frische, geschliffene Darbietungen." (The Guardian 1.9.95) "Die Hanover Band beeindruckt mit großer, kongenialer Sensibilität, beschwingten Tempi und einem transparenten, tiefenscharf konturierten Klangbild." (K. P.Richter in FonoForum 10 / 1995)

Johann Christian Bach
Symphonies concertantes. Vol. 6

Symphonies concertantes. Vol. 6 (2006)

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Johann Christian Bach
6 Sonaten

6 Sonaten für Violine (Flöte), Violoncello und Cembalo (Klavier) (cop. 1976)

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Johann Christian Bach

Endimione (1999)

A beguiling rarity. Johann Sebastians youngest and most cosmopolitan son composed this serenata in London in 1772. The plot revolves around the triangular relationship between Diana, her nymph Nice and Endymion, slyly manipulated by Cupid and culminating in the obligatory paean to love. In the booklet, Bruno Weil dubs Endimione one of the first operettas; but though there are touches of cruel humour, usually at Nices expense, the musical idiom and structure, based on a sequence of elaborate arias, are essentially those of opera seria. Bachs suave, mellifluous style often sounds like Mozart minus the masters dynamic impulse and control of long-range tensions. But there are memorable numbers here, above all in the slow cavatinas for Endymion and Diana, with their delicate, Watteau-esque sensuality. Virtually everything depends on the four principals, who all rise to their challenges. Chief honours go to Ann Monoyios, a graceful, sweet-toned Nice, (...)

Johann Christian Bach

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