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Hustlin' And Bustlin'

Hustlin' And Bustlin' (1988)

"Trumpeter Ruby Braff puts so much passion into each note he plays that, even when performing familiar Dixieland and swing tunes, he is able to immediately uplift the material. On this CD reissue of a Black Lion LP, Braff is heard with three different groups. The bulk of the date features him in a quintet with tenor saxophonist Sam Margolis, pianist Ken Kersey, bassist Milt Hinton, and drummer Bobby Donaldson; highlights include "Hustlin' and Bustlin' for Baby," "There's a Small Hotel," and "Shoe Shine Boy." In addition there are three numbers recorded live at Storyville with an all-star sextet that includes trombonist Vic Dickenson and clarinetist Edmond Hall and one number ("When It's Sleepy Time Down South") with an octet. This set offers listeners a good example of Ruby Braff's playing in his early days." (Allmusic)

Ruby Braff
I Just Dropped By To Say Hello

I Just Dropped By To Say Hello (1963)

De tweede plaat die de jazzcrooner opnam voor Impulse!, in hetzelfde jaar als z'n eerste: het beroemde "John Coltrane And Johnny Hartman". Deze doet daar nauwelijks voor onder. De repertoirekeuze is perfect en Hartmans beheerste bariton schittert naast de opnieuw formidabele begeleiding, ditmaal van o.a. tenorsaxofonist Illinois Jacquet, de gitaristen Kenny Burrell en Jim Hall en de gebroeders Hank (piano) en Elvin (drums) Jones. De hoestekst is veelzeggend: "Listen to Johnny Hartman's dark satin lyricism... a voice that is a perfectly tuned instrument... unobtrusive, relaxing yet heavy in quality. he caresses each word with tenderness - his enuciation is impeccable. He respects the word - his meaningful embellishments are a joy." Daar hebben we niks aan toe te voegen!


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