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12 Trio sonatas (Parnassi Musici)

12 Trio sonatas (Parnassi Musici) (2000)

"It's intriguing how this seemingly obscure collection confronts us with the Overture to Stravinsky's Pulcinella! The reason for this is the result of a deliberate misattribution to Giovanni Pergolesi, perpetrated in London around 1780. It was not until the 1950's that it was firmly established that Domenico Gallo was the author. In the interim, in 1919, Igor Stravinsky had set seven movements from Gallo's sonatas for his ballet Pulcinella. The sonatas were probably written between 1750 and 1770, a period of transition between the Baroque and classical eras. Like most early classical sonatas, they contain three movements (fast - slow - fast); however, the development of these movements tends to be straightforward. What elevates them, and what made the Pergolesi attribution creditable, are the strong memorable themes. The playing of the period instrument group Parnassi musici is elegant, tuneful and exhibits a splendid lightness of touch." (T. Gualtieri, Classical Music Review; volg link voor complete tekst)

Domenico Gallo
Zwei Triosonaten

Zwei Triosonaten für zwei Violinen und ausgesetzten Generalbass (1934)

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Domenico Gallo

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