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Magico - Carta De Amor

Magico - Carta De Amor (2012)

Fascinating set from three strong and contrasting musical personalities: Norwegian saxophonist, Brazilian guitarist-pianist, and US bassist making purposeful and creative music together on this previously unreleased live recording. Carta de Amor documents music captured at Munichs Amerika Haus in April, 1981. Two years on from the much-loved albums Magico and Folk Songs, the trios improvisational empathy and sensibilities were further honed by experiences as a touring group. Repertoire includes five pieces from Gismontis pen, with the title track heard in two variations, opening and closing this enthralling double album. Also heard here are Garbareks folk song arrangements and an extended, freewheeling version of his composition Spor. Haden brings in La Pasionaria, from the repertoire of the Liberation Music Orchestra and the previously unreleased All That Is Beautiful. Recorded by Manfred Eicher and Martin Wieland in 1981, mixed from original tapes by Eicher & Jan Erik Kongshaug. (bron: ECM)




Circense (1980)

'This excellent release by Egberto Gismonti was conceived under the concept of a circus, an institution that has the ambivalent quality of being at the same time universal and regional. It fits like a glove for the music of Gismonti, which also aims to enrich Brazilian musical tradition with elements of worldwide classical and popular acquisitions. The album is fully performed by excellent Brazilian musicians: Mauro Senise (saxes/flute), Egberto Gismonti (several instruments), Luiz Alves (bass), Robertinho Silva (percussion), Silvio Mehry (piano), Pery Reis (guitar), Aleuda Malu (vocals and percussion), Dulce Bressane (vocals), Pepê Castro-Neves (vocals), and a string orchestra conducted by Benito Juarez'. (Bron: Alvaro Neder, Allmusic).

Egberto Gismonti
Selected recordings

Selected recordings (2004)

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Egberto Gismonti
Corações Futuristas

Corações Futuristas (1976)

De Braziliaanse multi-instrumentalist Egberto Gismonti werd geboren in een gezin met een Libanese vader en een Siciliaanse moeder. Vader en moeder stimuleerden Egberto om al snel te beginnen met klassieke pianolessen. Later studeerde hij compositie aan het Conservatoire national supérieur de musique bij Nadia Boulanger en Jean Barraqué. In aanvulling op zijn pianospel begon hij zich het gitaarspel meester te maken. Op 22-jarige leeftijd; in 1969, volgde zijn eerste album, Egberto Gismonti genaamd. De muziek was toen nog erg gericht op de bossa nova. Gedurende zijn muzikale loopbaan gebruikte hij steeds meer etnische invloeden, uit Brazilië, maar ook uit andere werelddelen, waarbij inheemse Braziliaanse volksmuziek maar ook meer experimentele stromingen niet vermeden werden. (Bron: Muziekweb).

Egberto Gismonti

Saudaçoes (2009)

Egberto Gismonti
Diario De Bordo

Diario De Bordo (1996)

"RAIZ DE PEDRA were an Brazilian fusion and progressive rock group from Porto Alegre. The band started out under that name in 1977 by Marcelo Carneiro NADRUZ and Anibal Elias CARNEIRO when they performed on various student festivals, and official date of the birth of the group according to drummer Cesar AUDI was March 8 in 1978 when was the first rehearsal. By 1981 the group expanded their instrumental repertoire a lot and was already performing as a sextet. In 1982 the group started pursuing music more professionally and make it their musical career. This eventually led to a contract with an independent producer 'Mazur Music' and recording of their second studio album 'Pictures', and it was a start to their eventual move of activities to Munich. The band kept recording and performing through diferent line-ups with various German musicians now in the rooster like Wolfgang SCHMIDT of PASSPORT, and also recorded with their role model Egberto GISMONTI on this, their last studio album." (Progarchives.com)

Raiz De Pedra
Trem Caipira

Trem Caipira (1994)

"Trem Caipira is a deep dig into the Egberto Gismonti archive. Originally released in 1985 on EMI and reissued as the sixth CARMO release in 1992, it boasts Gismonti’s unusual arrangements of music by Heitor Villa-Lobos. And yet, despite being approved by the composer’s widow, Mindinha, and the participation of Orquestra Transarmônica D’Alma D’Omrac , the sounds are almost entirely produced by a bank of synthesizers and vocoder. How wonderful to hear Gismonti’s acoustic piano in “Bachiana No. 5,” which anchors relatively tasteful qualities! But then the flaccid horns and drum machine of “Desejo” take over, and all is once again lost.Having said all that, a few tracks work bizarrely well. These include “Cantiga” (from Bachiana No. 4) for its lively rhythms, chord changes, and a certain consistency of sound (not to mention the soprano saxophone of Nivaldo Ornelas) and “Preludio” (from Bachiana No. 4) for its harpsichord-like bite." (Tyran Grillo)

Egberto Gismonti

Sanfona (1980)

"Gismonti delivers this impressive mixed set for his third ECM release. The first half features Gismonti's Academia de Dancas quartet on a handful of originals, including the popular "Frevo." The band features Zeca Assumpcao on bass, Mauro Denise on reeds, Nene on percussion, and Gismonti on both guitar and piano. For the second half, Gismonti goes solo on acoustic guitar, Indian organ, and voice for a lovely program taped live in Munich. With fine notes and spoken bits by Gismonti, listeners will find much in the way of Brazilian musical and cultural history to compliment the music. A perfect overview for the curious fan." (Allmusic)

Egberto Gismonti
Folk Songs

Folk Songs (1981)

Jan Garbarek


Egberto Gismonti

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