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Tao te king

Tao te king (2015)

Lao Tse"
Anatomie van fitness- en krachttraining

Anatomie van fitness- en krachttraining visuele handleiding voor 50 onmisbare oefeningen ([2016])

Informatie in woord en beeld over de anatomie van het lichaam in relatie met borst-, rug-, arm-, schouder-, been-, bil- en rompspieroefeningen.

Ken Ashwell
Anatomie van rek- en strekoefeningen

Anatomie van rek- en strekoefeningen visuele handleiding voor 50 onmisbare stretchoefeningen ([2016])

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Ken Ashwell
In Paradisum. The music of Michael J. Baker

In Paradisum. The music of Michael J. Baker (2001)

Michael (James) Baker. Composer, conductor born at Edmonton, 11 Aug 1949; died at Toronto, 16 Sep 2000. Baker studied harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration at the Royal Conservatory of Music, and conducting with Roman Toi although he was mainly self-taught in composition. He began his musical career playing trumpet with the Edmonton Symphony and the Tommy Banks Band, then moved to Toronto in 1971 where he worked as a dance accompanist. His interdisciplinary interest led to study in New York with composer/cellist Gwendolyn Watson. Baker employed the Minimalist style pioneered in the 1960s by Americans Phillip Glass and Steve Reich, enriched by his own creative voice. Other Canadian composers who have embraced this style include Ann Southam and Marjan Mozetich. (...) (Van: www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca)

Michael Baker
The Doyle diary

The Doyle diary the last great Conan Doyle mystery : with a Holmesian investigation into the strange and curious case of Charles Altamont Doyle (cop. 1978)

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Charles Altamont Doyle

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