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Ondas Cantigas de amigo (Vivabiancaluna Biffi; Pierre Hamon) (2015)

Galicia, second half of the 13th century: the sadness of a young woman staring at the sea while awaiting the return of her beloved... Beautiful, atmospheric and infinitely delicate, the songs of Martín Codax remain among the finest examples of cantigas de amigo. Influenced by the poetry of the troubadours, infused with Christian, Arab and Celtic symbolism, the songs of Martín Codax nonetheless belong to the Galician-Portuguese world, and totally so. Even today, the desperately sad fado, the Portuguese national song-form, maintains the rhythm of waves and tides and feels like the lament of a woman who looks out to sea and wonders when her beloved will return to her. Singing to the viol, VivaBiancaLuna Biffi gives voice to the human feeling, whilst Pierre Hamon provides evocative interludes on his unparalleled mediaeval flutes, making the waves become sounds, emotions, and words beyond words… (bron: Arcana/Outhere)

Martin Codax
Jews & Christians

Jews & Christians

Ensemble Antequera
The flower of chivalry

The flower of chivalry Tranquil medieval music (2009)

Martin Codax

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