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Rumbajazz : Tribute To Chombo

Rumbajazz : Tribute To Chombo (2000)

"As fate would have it, before the making of Tribute to Chombo, a stroke ended Chombo’s career (his real name was José Silva). To their credit, the González Brothers (Jerry González and Andy Gonzáles) went ahead with the project and brought in saxophonist David Sánchez, who does an admirable job “sitting in” for Chombo and capturing his sound and spirit. The CD consists mostly of songs Chombo previously recorded Chombo Silva never received the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, but he is a legend among his peers and aficionados. Tribute to Chombo does much to breath new life into the tunes Chombo was known for and introduces his music to a new generation of listeners." (Latinjazznet)

Andy Gonzalez
Diego El Cigala Presenta

Diego El Cigala Presenta

Flamenco-zanger Diego el Cigala heeft met zijn diep doorleefde zang grote indruk gemaakt in de flamenco en ook in zijn uitstapjes in andere genres. Zoals zijn samenwerking, Lágrimas Negras, met pianist Bebo Valdes met Cubaans repertoire. Met een deel van zijn verworven finaniciële middelen wil hij jonge, in zijn oren inspirerende vakgenotenonder, onder de aandacht brengen. Op deze cd met dvd zijn een drietal te horen en te zien. Diego del Morao is een bekwame interpretaror van de meer traditionele flamenco. Jerry Gonzalez en Yelsy Heredia brengen met hun groepen Cubaanse muziek met een tikje flamenco. Interessant voor de liefhebbers van zich vernieuwende en vermengende stijlen van Spanje en Latijns-Amerika. (GR Muziekbank)

Jerry González

Movies (1986)

Ambrosetti (Lugano, 1941) started his recording career in 1964 as a sideman with his father Flavio. In years to follow he received several trumpet awards, was voted "Best European Jazz Musician" in Italy and was called "the most elegant hard bop trumpeter Europe has ever known." Dedicated to famous film melodies (by Gershwin, Lennon/McCartney, Hancock a.o.) and featuring American star players John Scofield and Geri Allen, "Movies" was Ambrosetti's most successful album in the eighties. Its re-definings of some well-known songs received top ratings, among them the prestigious German Critics Award. British Jazz Journal reads: "Comparisons could be drawn between Ambrosetti and Lester Bowie, in that both have blended gentle satire and serious blowing, but the Italo-Swiss has pulled off the idea with flair and taste." All Music Guide adds: "A superb album." Vooral gitarist Scofield excelleert en verbaast in fantasierijke soli, die veel expressiever zijn dan die van de meer, euh, filmisch spelende Ambrosetti.


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