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Bidin' my time

Bidin' my time (2017)

"Chris Hillman is medeoprichter van The Byrds en The Flying Burrito Brothers en droeg een aardig steentje bij aan het succes van Manassas en The Desert Rose Band. Maar ook nu hij de 7 kruisjes is gepasseerd, is Hillman allerminst van plan om op zijn lauweren te gaan rusten. Met zijn vaste Desert Rose-maten John Jorgenson en Herb Pedersen toert hij nog vrolijk de wereld rond en daarbij druipt het speelplezier van elk optreden. Dat gebeurt ook op dit door de ten tijde van deze albumrelease net overleden Tom Petty geproduceerde album, waarop we Hillman in de weer horen met bijna iedereen waarmee hij in het verledne het podium deelde. David Crosby, Roger McGuinn, Mike Campbell, John Jorgenson, Jay Dee Maness: ze doen allemaal een duit in het zakje. Gezamenlijk tekenen deze oude rotten in het vak voor een pretentieloze plaat die bol staat van tijdloze folk, bluegrass, country en rock & roll, waarbij de 12-snarige Rickenbacker van McGuinn vaak de boventoon voert." (Harry de Jong, Lust For Life; 4 uit 5 sterren)

Chris Hillman
The Capitol collection

The Capitol collection McGuinn, Clark & Hillman [CD] ; City ; McGuinn-Hillman (2008)

Drie complete albums op twee CD's. Het eerste album was een soort verkapte Byrds-reunie uit 1979. Verrassend aardig ook nog. Met de door Roger McGuinn geschreven hit "Don't You Write Her Off". Men dook al snel de studio in voor een opvolger, maar Gene Clark gaf er halverwege de opnamen van "City" de brui aan. Het album staat daarom op naam van McGuinn & Hillman, met Clark als 'special guest'. In 1980 was Clark helemaal van het toneel verdwenen en het derde album flopte ook nog. Het bevat dan ook geen tweede "Don't You Write Her Off", maar onderhoudende, doch niet bijzondere rock, met injecties uit southern- en countryrock.

Roger McGuinn
Hot burritos

Hot burritos the true story of the Flying Burrito Brothers (2008)

Geïllustreerde en met medewerking van een der bandleden samengestelde geschiedenis van de Amerikaanse band, die eind jaren zestig belangrijk was voor de ontwikkeling van de countryrock.

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John Einarson
Souther-Hillman-Furay Band: Trouble In Paradise

Souther-Hillman-Furay Band: Trouble In Paradise (1975)

"With producer Tom Dowd at the helm, the Souther-Hillman-Furay Band seemed to be distancing itself a bit from its country-rock roots with its second release. Here the band expands on the funkier aspects of its debut album, while at the same time slipping even closer to the middle of the road. On that record it was former Poco frontman Richie Furay who was responsible for the highlights, but this time out it's J.D. Souther, who penned four of the album's nine tracks, who leads the way, with "Prisoner in Disguise" (recorded that same year by Linda Ronstadt) and the title cut the standouts. Still, Furay, whose two compositions were dominated by his recent conversion to Christianity, does connect with the lovely "For Someone I Love," which interestingly enough precedes the sleazy rationalizations of Souther's "Mexico." Before the recording of the album, original drummer Jim Gordon had left and was replaced by Ron Grinel." (Brett Hartenbach, Allmusic)

Souther-Hillman-Furay Band

Souther-Hillman-Furay Band (1974)

Voer voor mensen die willen weten waar een groep als Venice de mosterd vandaan haalt. Vooral gedragen songs als "Believe Me" en "Deep, Dark And Dreamless" zijn door de gevoelige meerstemmige vocalen onweerstaanbaar meeslepend. "Formed in 1973, this band was the offspring of just about every notable country-rock band. Richie Furay was a founding member of both Buffalo Springfield and Poco; Chris Hillman had been with the Byrds, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and Stephen Stills' Manassas; and J.D. Souther formed Longbranch Pennywhistle with Eagle Glenn Frey, as well penning tunes for artists like Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt, and the Eagles. SHF's supporting cast also came with impressive credentials: Paul Harris on piano, Al Perkins (Flying Burrito Brothers, Manassas) on pedal steel guitar, and former Derek & the Dominos drummer Jim Gordon (who also wrote the piano piece that concludes "Layla"). The band was meant to be a sort of country-rock version of Crosby, Stills & Nash." (Brett Hartenbach, Allmusic)

At Edwards Barn

At Edwards Barn (2010)

"While he's been a member of two of the most influential American rock bands of the 1960s, the Byrds and the Flying Burrito Brothers, and enjoyed significant success on the country charts in the '80s with the Desert Rose Band, at heart Chris Hillman is a sideman; he's a great musician and capable songwriter who is more interested in serving the song than serving his ego. (...) There's a warm and casual feeling to this music and the interaction with the audience, though the playing is never less than expert and the arrangements are precise and span the various stages of Hillman's career with skill. Hillman and Pedersen are joined by three expert musicians who they've worked with before, guitarist Larry Park, fiddler David Mansfield, and bassist Bill Bryson, and the ensemble plays with the light touch and emotional gravity of a top-notch bluegrass ensemble, even when tackling such Byrds classics as "Eight Miles High" and "Have You Seen Her Face"." (Mark Deming, Allmusic)

Chris Hillman
The other side

The other side (2005)

"Deze levende legende is hier ouderwets goed bezig. Vooral zijn stem klinkt erg geïnspireerd. Het album is volgens hemzelf bedoeld 'to soothe and uplift the soul'. Een nobel streven waarin hij zeker is geslaagd." (Heaven)

Chris Hillman
Desert Rose

Desert Rose (1984)

"Chris Hillman was never the songwriter of the caliber of Gene Clark, Gram Parsons, or Stephen Stills, his bandmates back in the heady days of folk-rock and early country-rock, so it's not surprising to see him mine the treasures of traditional Nashville once he broke free as a solo artist. "Desert Rose" is his second album for the Sugar Hill label, and it features a number of crack backup musicians, as well as a lineup of breezy country tunes by the likes of Jimmie Rodgers, and Acuff-Rose publishing. Hillman again plays mandolin, and the use of banjo and fiddle on this record further add to a bluegrass feel. The title track, a Hillman original, would later be used as a name for his band, and you can sense Hillman's contentment at leaving his rock baggage behind. This is a pleasant, understated affair, great music to unwind to while sipping cold lemonade on a hot summer day." (Peter Kurtz, Allmusic)

Chris Hillman
Clear Sailin'

Clear Sailin'

Chris Hillman

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