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Music for piano 4 hands

Music for piano 4 hands (1997)

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Malcolm Bilson
Hommage à R.Sch. (György Kurtág - Robert Schumann)

Hommage à R.Sch. (György Kurtág - Robert Schumann) (1995)

"Mijn Schumann-miniaturencultplaat is een ECM New Series-CD van o.a. altvioliste Kim Kashkashian en pianist Robert Levin. Schumann is hier geen zoeker, maar een ultieme vinder. Als je het in twee minuten kunt zeggen, waarom dan energie verkwisten aan moeizame kwartieren? De titel is afgeleid van een eerbetoon van György Kurtág aan Schumann." (Hans Haffmans, Luister) "Both (Kurtág and Schumann, HB) place their most concentrated, poetic utterances in groups or miniatures, both are intensely allusive. The Kurtag works are excellently done. The violist Kim Kashkashian has all the control and refinement necessary to make the extremely brief movements of Jelek ("Signs") and the Neun Stücke tell to maximum effect, and despite the emphasis on miniature forms (only the last movement of Hommage a R. Sch. runs for more than three minutes), a tremendously wide range of moods and textures is encompassed. These Schumann pieces have been much recorded (...) These are good performances, nevertheless." (Gramophone)

Piano concerto no.23 in A major, K488

Piano concerto no.23 in A major, K488

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Concertos 1-4, K37, K39-41

Concertos 1-4, K37, K39-41

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Concerto for piano and orchestra no. 2 op. 19

Concerto for piano and orchestra no. 2 op. 19

Ludwig van Beethoven
D'ombre et de silence

D'ombre et de silence (2010)

Opname: 2008

Henri Dutilleux

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