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Kinsmen (2009)

Opname: 2008

Rudresh Mahanthappa
Scintillating Sax : South Indian Classical Music

Scintillating Sax : South Indian Classical Music (2002)

When Kadri Gopalnath introduced a new instrument called the Saxophone, years ago, to Carnatic music, he enchanted listeners with his technical expertise and raga conception in handling the instrument. He disproved the theory of a ‘nine-day wonder’, and is still continuing to top the charts in popularity. Together with Avasarala Kanyakumari, specialised violinist in carnatic music, he made a superb album. (H.L.)

Kadri Gopalnath
Gem Tones

Gem Tones

"Bijzondere Indiase altsaxofonist. Heeft de sax en z'n techniek zo verfijnd dat hij Indiase raga's met lange glijdende tonen kan spelen, naast de onnavolgbare capriolen die hij uithaalt in vraag-en-antwoordspelletjes met een violiste." (VK)


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