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Monk Materials ; Playing The Second Coolbook

Monk Materials ; Playing The Second Coolbook (1998)

'A classic in modern jazz, this 2-CD set features some of the most enticing concept music ever released on disc. The first CD is an early trio recording of a live program, where Braam takes popular and obscure compositions by Thelonious Monk, and completely turns them upside down, making them his own. Along with bassist Wilbert De Joode and drummer Michael Vatcher, there is a spectacular synergy that sparks a musical encounter of continual surprise, sophistication, and humor. The second, later CD features a live quintet with two saxophonists (including altoist Frank Gratkowski), playing ten highly original Braam pieces, each of which alludes to the work of pianist Lennie Tristano. Braam steers the group through the history of jazz, from swing to free, twisting and turning along the way. The results are brilliant and highly engaging'. (Steve Loewy, Allmusic).

Michiel Braam
Joost Buis & Astronotes - Zoomin

Joost Buis & Astronotes - Zoomin (2010)

CD by Amsterdam based tentet with 12 original compositions by leader/trombonist Joost Buis, that zoom in on various combinations of players. Catchy themes and zoomin grooves with the focus on improvisation. "Astronotes has its own ensemble personality, developed over a decade of frequent gigs. Where other leaders rush under-ripe bands into the studio, Buis waited until the lineup had been fully tweaked, the concept fine-tuned, and the pieces developed to let their facets and the players shine." (Kevin Whitehead in AV guide) "Buis and his band play quite convincingly, not only when they extend ideas from the written page, but also when they innovate at the instant. There is a sense of fun imparted to several of the tunes, a zest and vitality that grabs right away." (Jerry D'Souza on allaboutjazz.com) "Fabulous arranged/improv'd jazz with that Dutch character, minus the silliness that sometimes accompanies it, but not without an uplifting vibe throughout."(Gary Sisco on jazzcornertalk)

Jewels And Binoculars - Music Of Bob Dylan

Jewels And Binoculars - Music Of Bob Dylan (2001)

Uit 2001. De Amerikaanse Nederlander Moore (as, cl) met Lindsey Horner (b) en Michael Vatcher (d, perc). Sommige songs worden volkomen onherkenbaar heel creatief geabstraheerd, maar bijv. 'With God On Our Side' blijft herkenbaar en aangrijpend.

Ex & Guests - Instant

Ex & Guests - Instant (1995)

Experimentele improvisaties. Met gasten drummer Hans Bennink, percussionist Michael Vatcher, saxophonist/clarinettist Ab Baars en trombonist Wolter Wierbos (Deed ook op Joggers & Smoggers). "De geesten van Beefheart, Velvets, Sun Ra." (Oor)

Shakes and Sounds

Shakes and Sounds (1991)

The debut recording from this tentet is comprised of pieces dating back to 1988. the band was created by Paul Termos to explore his own fascinations with the checks ands balances of creating pieces for a large ensemble. The eight pieces here explore some idea of how improvisational, compositional, and aleatoric elements are combined. Everything isn't in its place, but the harmonic elements and polytonal exchange between the saxophones and percussion instruments (piano, drums, vibes), which in turn engage the brass and bass, is nothing short of remarkable. Throughout there is great warmth, humor and vision on the part of both composer and instrumentalists. In places carnival and circus music are juxtaposed free jazz and then ballroom swing and finally hard bop with a harmonic invention that erects and collapses itself as a first foundational precept to something else that's never articulated. The entire process in these pieces is meta-musical; in other words, music about music. (Thom Jurek)|

Termos Tentet

Quartet (2010)

In 2009 bestond het trio BraamDeJoodeVatcher 20 jaar. Voor het jubileumprogramma besloot men verschillende gastmuzikanten uit te nodigen voor concerten op diverse plaatsen in de wereld. Voor het concert in Vancouver werden zelfs twee gasten aangezocht: baritonsaxofonist Mats Gustafsson en klarinettist François Houle. De solisten werd gevraagd stukken te kiezen uit Braams zogenaamde Q-Book. De stukken daarin zijn bepaald niet af, maar bedoeld als startpunt voor improvisaties. De gasten werd gevraagd ze kort te repeteren en er dan voor te gaan. Paul Dunmill (op sopraansax en notabene doedelzak!) trok zich er niks van aan en begon gewoon meteen zelf te improvisren. De resultaten zijn, met enkele triostukken, verzameld op een dubbel-CD die door deze opzet heel divers klinkt. Vooral de stukken met klarinettist/saxofonist Michael Moore zijn vaak heel sprankelend, lyrisch en warm, terwijl die met cornettist/'trompbonist' Taylor Ho Bynum juist meer schuren. Het afsluitende stuk met Dunmall is het meest vervreemdend.


Négligé (1992)

Album met opnamen uit 1989 en 1992, met Moore (as, cl), Alex Maguire (p), Ernst Reijseger (cello) en Michael Vatcher (d): vier bevlogen musici met een voortdurende drive tot avontuurlijk spel, zonder de bocht uit te vliegen.



De pianist houdt ervan om veel thema's met elkaar te verbinden. Deze 23 korte stukken worden met kleuren aangeduid, waarbij iedere kleur een muzikaal karakter heeft gekregen, door De Joode (b) en Vatcher (d) fantasievol eeeuh, bijgekleurd.


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