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Motherland Pulse

Motherland Pulse (2001)

"Steve Coleman's debut recording as a leader was the beginning of the documentation of his M-Base music on record. Coleman teams up with some of his top associates of the era, including pianist Geri Allen, bassist Lonnie Plaxico, and drummer Marvin "Smitty" Smith; plus, there are guest appearances by Cassandra Wilson (who sings on "No Good Time Fairies") and trumpeter Graham Haynes. The funky yet creative music has less crowded ensembles than Coleman's upcoming records would, and serves as a fine showcase for the talented and strikingly original altoist who contributed six of the eight numbers." (Allmusic)

Steve Coleman


6de album van bassist. Als de muziek in een hokje past, dan onder fusion, zonder in cliche's te vervallen. Hij speelde met o.a. Steve Coleman en David Murray. Van de eerste leent hij de complexe polyritmiek, van de tweede de constante drive.

Lonnie Plaxico

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