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Renderings (The Art Of The Duo)

Renderings (The Art Of The Duo) (2005)

"Renderings is a no-net duo set featuring Andrew Rathbun on soprano saxophone (tenor on one number) and George Colligan on piano. The title of the opening tuneMaurice Ravel's "Menuet Sur Le Nom Du Hayden," the French impressionist's homage to the great classical composerclues you in as to what to expect. The sound is one of understated grandeur beneath an unabashedly pretty melody. Rathbun plays soprano saxophone with a pure, rich tone, conversing with pianist George Colligan in a seamless flow; the pianist handles a complex middle section with a deft mix of delicacy and force. With names like Hayden and Ravel, you know this is going to be a bit more cerebral than your average jazz recording, with a classical lean that explores tranquility, beauty and controlled passion. Colligan and Rathbun display their considerable technical skills and their ability to get to the soul of the subtly gorgeous pieces." (Dan McClenaghan, All About Jazz)

Time Cycles

Time Cycles (2006)

"Owen Howard assembled an ideal band to interpret his compositions, including the twin saxophonists Andrew Rathburn and John O'Gallagher, pianist Gary Versace, and bassist John Hebert. Beginning with the constantly shifting "Derailer" (a reference to shifting gears on a bike), the drummer often implies the rhythm while playing a bit off center. Three different versions of the African-flavored "Kalimba" feature Rathburn and O'Gallagher on soprano sax, each has a distinctive sound even with the same melody. "Sonny Side Up," a tribute to Sonny Rollins, opens with a Caribbean-like solo by the leader, with the tenors dancing around this engaging theme. John Coltrane's "Giant Steps" receives a fresh treatment, played in a rather laid-back setting with Howard's off-center drumming keeping it on edge. Recommended." (Ken Dryden, Allmusic)

Scatter Some Stones

Scatter Some Stones

Debuut van Canadese saxofonist (ts, ss) met in z'n kwintet oa Taylor Haskins (t) en George Colligan (p). Z'n postbop is stuwend en net een tikje stekelig (fraai hoe die trompet- en saxlijnen om elkaar meanderen!), maar tegelijk ook meeslepend.


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