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Tunes For Horn Guys

Tunes For Horn Guys (1995)

"Reedman Michael Moore is well known for his propensity as a composer, soloist, and improviser. He is featured as a composer here, and also as a bandleader. The 17 pieces that make up Tunes for Horn Guys were written with this particular ensemble in mind. The music here pays tribute to three very different elements of Moore's musical personality: the ghosts of composers who influenced him, the landscape and mythology of America, and the pervasive and persuasive place of Euro-style improvisation on modern music. These small works rely on the shimmering timbres of brass and reeds as harmonic extensions of one another in forming a color palette that cannot be identified as having one particular shade or shape. Moore shines as both a composer of haunting clarity and as a bandleader of unshakable faith and vision that there is still possibility in harmonically succinct and restrained music, even in the presence of visionary improvisation. Truly wonderful." (Allmusic)

Michael Moore

Reviews A Revue For Frank Zappa (1996)

Klaus König (1959) is een Duitse trombonist en jazzcomponist. Hij studeerde bij Mauricio Kagel in Keulen. "In 'Reviews' (Enja 9061-2), the fifth and final installment in a series of extended works, he offers a collection of satirical scenes that use a libretto cobbled together from snippets of reviews of the first four pieces. The fawning, the hostile and the pompous are all included, and a finale sets opposing views directly against one another. David Moss narrates the work in a sneering style that will be familiar to fans of Frank Zappa (to whom the work is dedicated). More interesting are the wry four-part vocal settings, sung by the Bobs, and the extended instrumental pieces, which draw on big-band jazz, blues, rock, funk and academic atonality and are played with sizzling precision by Mr. Konig's orchestra." (New York Times)

Klaus König

Unearth (2005)

Op 23 mei 2005 treedt dit Duits-Nederlandse jazztrio op bij Jazzpodium Drienerlo. Het klarinet/piano/bas-trio maakt uitdagende geïmproviseerde muziek, die verwijst naar o.a. het radicalere werk van freejazz-pionier Eric Dolphy. Een muzikale zoektocht, gekanaliseerd in spannende banen. De drie houden elkaar geconcentreerd in de gaten en bouwen steeds aan een fascinerend muzikaal web, soms dwars en gemeen, maar zeker ook met lyrische en warme passages.


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