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Les années folles

Les années folles (2015)

Daniel Rowland has established himself on the international scene as a highly versatile, adventurous and communicative performer. In recent seasons he has performed concertos such as those of Elgar, Korngold, Berg, Prokoffief, Schnittke & Ferneyhough, with orchestras from Tromso to Cape Town. A passionate chamber musician, Daniel has performed with artists as diverse as Ivry Gitlis, Heinz Holliger, Dawn Upshaw, Gilles Apap, Marcelo Nisinman, Willard White and Elvis Costello. He is a frequent guest at many of the foremost international chamber music festivals. The Stift International Music Festival, in Holland, of which he is founder and artistic director, saw its tenth edition in August 2014. Daniel is the first violin of the renowned Brodsky Quartet, with whom he performs all over the world. (bron: Gutman)

Daniel Rowland

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