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Accordeon de Concert

Accordeon de Concert (1992)

Composities voor accordeon, uitgevoerd door Christine Rossi, afkomstig uit Monaco. De stukken variëren van klassiek (Domenico Scarlatti, Liszt) tot hedendaags. Componist Pierre Gervasoni schreef 'Minimétisme' speciaal voor haar. 'Crucial to her ability is the fact she possesses the best phrasing of anyone I've heard. She holds every note whether playing staccato or legato, never shaving time to get to the next (often the case with accordionists), giving her playing both the fullness and the natural breath-like phrasing one finds in the performances of masters of other instruments'. (CD-recensie Paul A. Magistretti, The Classical Free Reed).

Christine Rossi

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