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The great service

The great service (1987)

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William Byrd
Psalmes, Sonets & Songs: 1588 - selection (Consort of Musicke)

Psalmes, Sonets & Songs: 1588 - selection (Consort of Musicke) (1981)

William Byrd schreef 100 liederen in het Engels. De 'Psalmes, Sonets & Songs of sadnes and piety' uit 1588, waaruit op deze CD een selectie wordt geboden, waren in de eerste instantie als instrumentale consortmuziek bedoeld met eventueel een zanger 'to pronounce the dittie' (het lied te zingen). The Consort of Musicke is een ensemble dat is gespecialiseerd in muziek uit de Renaissance en de vroege barok. Het gezelschap werd opgericht in 1969 door dirigent Anthony Rooley. Sopraan Emma Kirkby werkte mee aan de meeste opnamen van The Consort.

William Byrd
Maarten Engeltjes

Maarten Engeltjes (2007)

Opname: 2006

John Dowland
Infelix ego

Infelix ego (2010)

Opname: 2009

William Byrd

Gradualia The Marian masses ; vol.1 (1990)

William Byrd, the leading composer in Elizabethan England, appears to have retired from active life at court around 1593, his fiftieth year. He moved his family from Harlington (near the present Heathrow airport) to a village on the other side of London deep in the Essex countryside. His new home at Stondon Massey was a few miles from Ingatestone, the more private of the two Essex seats of a landed magnate named Sir John Petre, one of Byrds richest patrons. Like Byrd and his family, the Petres were Roman Catholics, and Ingatestone was a protected centre where the Roman liturgy could be celebrated with little interference from hostile authorities. Byrds move also marked the beginning of a new phase in his composition. Motets of protest and tribulation, written in an expansive and often madrigalian style, and clearly aimed at the situation of the Roman Catholic minority in England, had been characteristic of the Cantiones Sacrae of 1589 and 1591. (...)

William Byrd
1543 - 1623: Commemorating the 450th anniversary of his birth

1543 - 1623: Commemorating the 450th anniversary of his birth (1993)

William Byrd
Byrd Morris Tallis

Byrd Morris Tallis three-part vocal compositions (cop. 1978)

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William Byrd
Playing Elizabeth's tune
DVD muziek

Playing Elizabeth's tune The Tallis Scholars sing William Byrd (Tallis Scholars; Peter Phillips) (2004)

Registraties van concerten, opgenomen in ca. 2004 in de Abbey of the blessed Virgin Mary te Tewkesbury en in de Merton College. Een deel van deze werken zullen de Tallis Scholars ook vertolken tijdens het Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht, 2015. Op 28 april 2016 is het ensemble overigens in Enschede in de Grote Kerk, maar dan met repertoire van o.a. Gesualdo en Palestrina.

William Byrd
With Lilies White - Consort Song & Music For Viols

With Lilies White - Consort Song & Music For Viols

William Byrd
Vier Tänze und eine Fantasie

Vier Tänze und eine Fantasie für Blockflöten-Quartett oder für entsprechende andere Instrumente ([cop. 1977])

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William Byrd
The Early Byrd - Vol 1

The Early Byrd - Vol 1

William Byrd
My Ladye Nevells Booke, 1591

My Ladye Nevells Booke, 1591

William Byrd

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