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Swingin' Sisters

Swingin' Sisters the best of Andrews Sisters and Boswell Sisters für Frauenchor (cop. 2004)

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Viola Engelbrecht
Everybody Loves My Baby

Everybody Loves My Baby

Opnamen uit de periode 1931-1935. "Whether they were doing jazz, blues, or pop, the Boswell Sisters made anything swing -- in fact, they made everything swing. There are surprising vocal vamps and tempo shifts throughout this CD, taking listeners by surprise and carrying them in unexpected directions. "It's the Girl" is a simple little number that takes off, lofted on those three voices, and never comes back to earth. And then there is their version of "Shuffle Off to Buffalo," a jumping rendition with a whole new set of accents and tempo changes that will be new to anyone who thinks they know the song from the movie 42nd Street. And "Mood Indigo" makes a brilliantly sung blues showcase in the trio's hands. Most of the tracks feature the Dorsey Brothers Orchestra backing the trio, though a few are arranged for smaller ensembles, such as "Old Yazoo," on which they're backed by guitarist Dick McDonough and bassist Artie Bernstein, with Martha Boswell on the piano." (Bruce Eder, Allmusic)

Brunswick Vol.1 (1931-1932)

Brunswick Vol.1 (1931-1932) (2000)

"This is a first-rate collection, adapted from an old Columbia Special Products LP, and featuring the sister trio backed by the Dorsey Brothers band, which included, in addition to Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Eddie Lang, Joe Venuti, and Bunny Berigan. That's enough to make these 15 sides, recorded between March 19, 1931, and June 17, 1932, into virtual all-star sessions; even better, the recordings have been mastered extremely well, so that one hears everything right down to Lang's guitar (which is surprisingly prominent on pieces like "It's the Girl") in extremely sharp relief. One is sorry there isn't a producer's credit, but that doesn't limit the enjoyment of this body of material, which includes its share of hits and is never less than first-rate. The annotation is also reasonably thorough, and the whole piece is a delightful glimpse into the Boswells' unique brand of jazz-age pop and Art Deco-era swing." (Bruce Eder, Allmusic)

Brunswick Vol.2 (1932-1933)

Brunswick Vol.2 (1932-1933) (2000)

"The second Brunswick collection starts off with their Dorsey Brothers-accompanied rendition of "Hand Me Down My Walking Cane," in which the trio's vocal acrobatics spar delightfully with Bunny Berigan's trumpet. It's a promising beginning to a delightful collection that's not only great listening but excellent dance music - this reviewer's foot was tapping to "Sleep, Come on and Take Me," and "Down Among the Sheltering Palms" is an astounding multi-part, almost conceptual number. Alternating between collaborations with the Dorseys and the leaner support of Dick McDonough's guitar and Artie Bernstein's string bass (sometimes joined by Martha Boswell's piano), with Berigan, McDonough, Manny Klein, and the Dorseys stepping out in front instrumentally in tandem with the trio's vocals, the sounds vary more than sufficiently to make this a well-nigh perfect 15-song collection, without any problem of repetition, and the sound is superb." (Bruce Eder, Allmusic)


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