"This record (in 1984 op lp) has a historical importance separate from its simple status as a musical statement. This album is regarded by many as the first black metal record, a genre that purported to take metal not simply into well-charted Satanic waters, but into the Nordic pagan past of these young Scandinavian men. The music itself has a certain lo-fi charm, and if you're into this sort of thing the raw power of this debut cannot be ignored. For others who may be looking for the sturm und drang fireworks of Slayer or Metallica, this probably won't do much for you. Whatever your predilection, this is eerie music, not so much for what's on the disc as for what it spawned. As a final note, the command of the English language these Nordic lads have is astounding. The lyrics, while uncomfortable, are several steps above what most American or English bands could do." (Allmusic)
Een vd grondleggers der Scandinavische blackmetalsound. Deze CD uit 1986 bevat veel elementen, die in de jaren-negentig blackmetal nog steeds een grote rol spelen: de holle produktie, de schelle krijszang, de macaber-romantische thematiek.
Na de blackmetalperiode van deze Zweedse groep en ten tijde van de 'Jubileum'-CD's verscheen in 1994 deze plaat waarop de stijl is verschoven richting agressieve thrashmetal; te omschrijven als Sodom vermengd met Slayer en oude Sepultura.