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Feel No Shame

Feel No Shame (1988)

"This album is widely regarded as the best ever debut of any Irish rock band. Aslan, 30 years on, occupy a place in Irish rock music similar to Johnny Halliday in France or Kim Larsen in Denmark, with good reason. The outstanding track 'This is' has been one of the most played songs on Irish radio in the last few decades. 'Pretty Thing' , 'Loving me lately' and 'Sands of time' easily stand the test of time. No less a judge than Noel Gallagher has been reported citing their later hit 'Crazy World' as his own favourite party piece." (Allmusic)

Charlotte Schleiffert

Charlotte Schleiffert feel no shame (cop. 2004)

Catalogus bij een tentoonstelling van werk van de Nederlandse beeldend kunstenaar (1967).

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Charlotte Schleiffert

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