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Aat Veldhoen, polaroids

Aat Veldhoen, polaroids ([2015])

Selectie van 62 polaroidfoto's geordend op thema.

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Aat Veldhoen

Polaroids A Greatest Hits Collection (2004)

Songs van de 6 studio-albums die Colvin tussen 1989 en 2001 uitbracht. "Shawn Colvin was one of the few pure singer/songwriters who broke through to mainstream success in the 1990s, and with good reason -- her songs have the strength and emotional honesty to satisfy her core folkie crowd, while her breathy but powerful voice communicates with enough force to be a lot more than just a vehicle for her lyrics. It also helps that she isn't afraid of a good pop melody, as her taste in covers suggests, and that she can write one herself when she's so inclined. Her best-known songs are all here, for the most part, while lesser-known and fan-focused material doesn't make the cut. But as a sampler of Colvin's work or an introduction for beginners, this album serves its purpose well -- there's plenty of fine music (including a newly recorded cover of the Beatles' "I'll Be Back" that's exclusive to this collection) that offers a clear and concise picture of Colvin's creative arc to date." (Marc Deming, Allmusic)


Polaroids (1997)

Essays over uiteenlopende aspecten van de hedendaagse Amerikaanse samenleving.

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Douglas Coupland

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